Frequently Asked Questions

We are a sisterhood that encourages open dialog and communication. We like to start that here… where it counts. As you look more into finding your sisterly home please do not be afraid to reach out to us. If you are looking for ways to fellowship with us, complete service, or support our sisterhood please feel free to ask anything you would like. In the meantime we have gathered some of the mot frequently asked question that we hope will help you in your search.

Q. Is there an age cap to join?
A. No, there isn’t an age cap. We do have a minimum age requirement of 20 years old to join. We believe every Goddess, no matter her season, has something great to bring to the table.

Q. What does the Membership Process entail?
A. Our Membership Intake Process starts from the time you submit your application and are accepted to line until the moment you complete our 6-8 week training session.

Q. Do you have to be Lesbian, Gay, or Transgender? Of a specific race? Religion?
A. No, you do not. Our sisterhood is not placed under an umbrella of pseudonyms. We pride yourself in our quest for individuality and unique feminine females. Because of this we accept all races, creeds, and sexual orientations.

Q. Am I able to participate in other Greek lettered organizations?
A. Yes. Because we are not a LGBT based sisterhood nor PanHallenic, our members are free to participate in other organizations of their choosing. We just ask that members be conscious of our values and missions as to avoid any conflicts of interests.

Q. Does RZP have a Greek family?
A. Yes, Rho Zeta Phi Sorority Inc. is a part of the Zeta Epsilon Delta Dynasty.